Experienced voice talent, sound technician, podcast producer. BrisVO’s Thomas Murray is living proof that when you select your talent wisely, you can get more than you bargained for.
With a versatile range, Tom can voice anything from warm and friendly to hard sell retail and even character voices. Tom has also voiced and produced a range of podcasts, including an early literacy podcast series for Ipswich Libraries.
Experienced voice talent, sound technician, podcast producer. BrisVO’s Thomas Murray is living proof that when you select your talent wisely, you can get more than you bargained for.
In between commercial voice sessions, talented BrisVO voice artist Tom Murray has been producing a podcast series for Ipswich Libraries. The series, called “Stories for little Queenslanders’, involved Tom visiting a number of Ipswich primary schools…
When national gym franchise Fitstop decided to give their brand message a workout during the Super Bowl 2022 coverage, they knew Tom Murray was in the perfect shape to help give them a lift.
No nonsense, assertive and straight down to business. Tom really beasted it up.
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