TALENT: Alison McLennan

PRODUCTION: Wombat Books

Multi-talented, multi-award winning voiceover artist, Alison McLennan had thought she’d done it all. That is until she was asked to voice a trailer for a new children’s picture book!

“The Daddy Shop” was published by Wombat Books. Ally’s first ever read for a book launch was teamed with some cute as a button illustrations and posted on social media just before Father’s Day. She recorded her read herself in her home studio.

TALENT: Sarah Kennedy

AGENCY: Publicis Mojo

PRODUCTION: Cutting Edge

While it seemed most of the working world was succumbing to the winter lurgy, Brisbane voice actor Sarah Kennedy was stepping up to the microphone, clearing her throat, and delivering some sage advice – courtesy of Bisolvon Chesty Forte. Granted the read was scripted for a TVC conceived by the creative guys at Publiscis Mojo but her read proved just the tonic. The sound was recorded at Cutting Edge.

TALENT: Sarah Kennedy

PRODUCTION: Sherpa Projects

When household name brand, OMO, launched their Ecoactive washing powder they needed a clean voice that could cut through the clutter and deliver a sparkling performance.

Enter Sarah Kennedy. As a busy mother of three, it didn’t take Sarah long to get into character. In fact, she mucked right in. She even recorded the read in her own home studio.

TALENT: Sarah Kennedy


PRODUCTION: Cutting Edge

Prolific Brisbane voice professional, Sarah Kennedy, sounds seriously super in a series of radio commercials produced for Queensland-based superannuation fund, Q Super.

The spots were conceived by the creative folk at GPYR, while the deft hands of the Cutting Edge audio gurus crafted production.

TALENT: Paul Davies

AGENCY: Brother and Co

Brisbane creative shop, Brother and Co. got a call up to show their wares on ABC’s ad show, Gruen. Their brief: Save our Bees.

The Bro Co called in the persuasive Paul Davies to provide the narrative. The man with a thousand voices didn’t let them down.

His read had the the Brisbane ad world buzzing.

TALENT: Paul Davies

When Brisbane design studio, Flip Creative initiated their covert radio operation with Nova for the launch of a new trendy Valley bar, they sniffed out special agent Paul Davies, the man with a thousand tongues.

The result? Well Paul’s seasoned edge proved you don’t need to hit people on the head to get inside them. The undercover strategy proved a masterful success.

TALENT: Todd Levi

Over the years veteran voice actor, Todd Levi, has been asked to loan his voice to all manner of products. No job too off the wall for Mr Levi; he has a colourful history. So when Ballantyne Chocolates wanted to go ‘Ye Olde style’ in tone for an historically flavoured radio spot, they knew who to call.

Todd’s also been busy helping Dominoes and Difflam too. It’s been a busy quarter. Check out these TV spots below.


Get ready to rumble

TALENT: Kate Wilson



After a successful run on Queensland Health’s summer campaign, Kate Wilson returns, feeling good and sounding great in a new series of new TV and radio spots prepared for winter.

In between voicing this campaign and a number of others for Blue Care, KM Smith Funerals and Q Super, Kate’s been super busy teaching acting and directing in the QCGU Performing Arts Department. Bravo Kate.

Feel Good Facts - Hand Hygiene

Feel Good Facts - Flu Safety

Feel Good Facts - Flu Etiquette

TALENT: Geoff Gordon

Elder abuse has become an unfortunate but increasingly common occurance in today’s society. So common in fact, the goverenment needed to stand up and speak out about it.

So when it was time to decide who should be the voice of this important campaign, it was an easy decision.

Geoff Gordon’s authoritative delivery was the ideal choice.

TALENT: Kate Wilson

PRODUCTION: Cutting Edge

Veteran female voice artist, Kate Wilson, has been around long enough to know precisely the right direction to take when handed a new script to read. She’s always ready to step up and deliver.

So when she was given the scripts to anchor a series of radio spots for Blue Care aged homes, the scenario was no different; Kate’s warm, caring approach was just what the nurses ordered.

TALENT: Walter Williams

PRODUCTION: Walter Williams

Nothing says ‘Australia’ like the Sydney Opera House. And nothing celebrates the spirit of Australian innovation like a Bausele watch.

So when it came to this corporate video narration for the uniquely Australian time piece, Walter Williams gave it the respect it deserves with a classy, sophisticated professional and iconic read.

Recorded in his own in-house studio, Walter rigged his trusty Rode NTG3 shotgun mic on Mogami Gold cable into a PreSonus Studio 2/6 audio interface on his iMac 27 using a TwistedWave DAW.

You might think that sounds a little technical… but listening carefully to the audio and you’ll hear it’s as crisp as freshly starched cotton shirt. And the audio recording needed very little processing!

While we’re getting technical, the name “Bausele” is an acronym for Beyond AUStralian ELEments, that’s because each watch contains elements of Australia in their stunning design.

Take the time to enjoy.