TALENT: Todd Levi

Todd Levi’s voice has been in storage. He packed it up, shifted it to corner of the sound booth and then carefully let it do what was always meant to do; spruik a friendly, natural, bloke-next-door message. The guys at National Storage were delighted.

Todd’s voice has been in lots of other places too. He’s quite versatile that way. Hit him up for your next gig.

TALENT: Sarah Kennedy


Prolific Brisbane voice artist, Sarah Kennedy likes to keep life interesting. Seems no two days are ever quite the same. In the last little while, she’s been playing an intergalactic martial arts master in an internationally produced animated tv series; she’s created a radio spot for a NSW architectural and building firm; voiced an animated landing page for a Victorian creative agency; and helped out Publicis with a new campaign for Personalised Plates Queensland recorded by the guys at Voice Plant.

In between sessions, she’s also been busy playing the lead character in a groundbreaking single player action-espionage spy and stealth VR game that launching later in the year!

Oh, and did I mention she’s a mum of three!

Sarah hops on a Scooter

Sarah feels at home with Aspect Z

TALENT: Tom Murray

PRODUCTION: Nick and Tom, Nova Breaksfast Show

BrisVo newcomer, Tom Murray, co-hosts a Sunday Breakfast show on Nova with Nick Allen-Ducat. Proving that life’s not all fun and games on weekend radio, the pair were instrumental in piecing together this hard-hitting fast food expose. Warning, some scenes may make you hungry.

TALENT: Teresa Lim

AGENCY: Various


Multi-talented Brisbane voice actor, Teresa Lim, puts the ‘pro’ into ‘prolific’.

It seems she’s alway’s on the go; teaming-up with almost every creative agency and production house in town.

She loves a laugh too. Just ask Nathan and Ben at NOVA. From all reports the new TVC’s and radio spots Teresa voiced with them for SSANGYONG Tivoli cars was a barrel of fun.

Recently, Teresa also worked with Publicis Australia at The Voice Plant to voice new Griffith University commercials, and was just in at Cutting Edge for a fantastic collab to voice the North QLD’s new stadium APP.

And it’s no secret she loves working with Stew and Haley at 3pStudio; last week they had a client come join the fun too, in a session for the QLD Government for some exciting Brisbane City developments.

TALENT: Teresa Lim

AGENCY: Various


It’s been a cracking start to 2019 for the newest addition to BrisVO, Teresa Lim. This bilingual pun-loving Brissie mum of 3 cheeky monkeys lives in the Centenary suburbs, and is seen and heard on work all over Australia and around the world.

She’s a busy girl!

Coming into her 3rd year as the network voice for Cartoon Network and Boomerang TV, she’s been voicing fun new promos for My Little Pony, Powerpuff Girls and BFF’s (how’s that for a tongue twister?!)

She’s also just finished voicing in Mandarin a children’s education toy being produced from New York, as well as the TV spot featured here for Brown Brother’s.

And if that’s not enough, Teresa is currently featured acting in 6 national TVCs including Cadbury Masterchef, Vodafone, Samsung, Fraser’s Property and has just finished shooting the new global campaign for Jacob’s Creek Wines.

She’s a hard lady to keep up with. But if you’d like to keep pace with Teresa, hook up on insta @teresalimstudios where she blogs her work journey, mostly in story and even more, in pun!

TALENT: Thomas Larkin

Thomas Larkin is new to BrisVO but certainly not new to the world of professional voice over work. Over the years, he’s put in a lot of hard work. And it seems the harder he works, the luckier he gets. In fact, Tom recently won this job for Tatts Lotto.

You’d be lucky too if you got Tom reading your next script.

TALENT: Lisa Kay

Time management is Lisa Kay’s super power. It’s a skill born out of multi-tasking numerous requests for acting roles or voiceover gigs.

Lisa’s resume makes for fascinating reading: Heartbeat, Chicken Run, Corpse Bride, Bridget Jones’ Diary… the talented Brit, who now calls Sydney home, is in hot demand.

Most recently the respected actor has been working on the new Tam Sainsury directed series, Time and Place, co-staring Tracy Mann, Lara Cox, Conrad Colby, Bree Desbourgh, Jeff Gannon and Lee Carseldine.

In between scenes Lisa has voiced the Bristish pilot Amy Johnson, for Living Wine Labels, and recently completed a 4-part documentary called A Royal Tour of the 20th Century which is coming soon.

Lisa’s having the time of her life.

TALENT: Megan Shapcott

PRODUCTION: Cutting Edge

After an extended hiatus away from the stage, experienced Brisbane actor and voice talent, Megan Shapcott, has returned. And from the look of things, she’s been making up for lost time.

The in-demand actor is back in Brisbane after starring in a national production of Menopause the Musical at the Atheneum theatre in Melbourne. She played ithe role of the Earth Mother.

While treading the boards, Megan fiound time to voice a mass media campaign for Halmark Homes new Vogue Series. Produced at Cutting Edge – with the audio crafted by the Mike Lange, the series of commericals have be playing across cinema screens, television and radio.

Megan has also been keeping the microphones warm at Rosco Audio; voicing a “Big School Ready” educational campaign for the Queensland and Victorian Governments.

A veteran of over 22 years behind the microphone, Megan has won four Queensland Radio Goldie Awards for best female commercial voice over artist, and she also trains other actors to become commercially voice-ready by coaching from her home studio.

The busy mum of three also teaches voice, communication and drama at Ambrose Treacy College.

TALENT: Mike Goldman

AGENCY: Various


You may have heard of Mike Goldman. He’s a popular fellow.

The Brisbane voiceover guy is a BrisVO foundiation member who lives in Bulimba on the Southside. But his voice is heard all round the world.

Currently he is working on a 13-part animated series for Discovery Networks with Haley and the team at 3P Newstead.

You may recognise him as the voice of Rebel Sport, Bay Audio, Coles Radio. Or maybe you know him from his hosting of the recent Commonwealth Games entertainment for Channel Seven and Facebook, or as the Court-side MC for the NBL basketball.

Acting-wise, Mike’s recently played an American in Foxtel’s “A Place To Call Home” and is the only Australian Actor in Mark Toia’s blockbuster feature “Robot 4” Shot in New York and is set for release in 2019.

Oh and speaking of films, Mike is the founder/director of The Sanctuary Cove International Film Festival, back for its 4th year from December 1st and is offering 20 free tickets valued at $85 each to the first 20 people to RSVP to this invitation. Email Mike for tickets here.

Mike tells us that “The Man Mountain” from Game Of Thrones is coming to launch his new film this year. Most of BrisVO will be there too.

He hopes to see you there!

TALENT: Andrea Moor

Senior Lecturer and professional actor, Dr Andrea Moor has been busy steering the latest crop of QUT actors off into the industry with their Sydney showcase this week. Did you know that QUT ACTING is considered in the top three drama schools in Australia? And just to keep her super busy Andrea is also acting in the Queensland Theatre production of Hedda, alongside Danielle Cormack, Jimi Bani and Jason Klarwein, directed by Sydney Theatre Company associate director, Paige Rattray. In between gigs Andrea has also found time to put down several doco tracks including this promo about rescuing orangutans in Borneo, for producer Richard Hearman.

TALENT: Walter Williams

PRODUCTION: Luke Ayers Media

Locked away in his home-based sound proof booth, talking into a Neumann TLM 49 microphone, you’d excuse Walter Williams if he seemed a little cray cray. But nothing could be further from the truth for this local voice professional. In fact, you could say Walter Williams thrives with cabin fever.

Every day, Walter makes magic happen in his padded booth… as evidenced by this corporate video produced recently for professional research and property investment agency, Meridian Australia.

Meridian’s video has already enjoyed more than 600 views on YouTube… plus one more, thanks to you.

TALENT: Robert Coleby

When Robert Coleby’s character, Douglas Goddard, died after several seasons of Foxtel’s A Place to Call Home, Noni Hazelhusrt wept buckets.

Noni, of course, was playing Douglas Goodard’s grieving wife but Robert likes to believe his last performance was as emotional for the cast and crew as it was for him.

A Place To Call Home launched its final season in Sydney recently with a capacity crowd at the State Theatre. Queues for autographs outside stretched for three blocks. The first episode shown the following Sunday had the largest non-sport subscriber television audience in the country. It’s a testament to the fabulous quality of production helmed by Chris Martin-Jones, and the excellent acting from the cast, effortlessly exuding ‘fifties style sentiment and predudice.

In some ways it’s a shame his role on the series had to come to an end, however dying on the set has become a common theme of late for Robert and some of his contemporaries.

“When I was working on House of Hancock, playing Frank Reinhart, I ran into Jack Thompson at Fox Studios. “Ah Rob,” Jack said, “remember when they were casting for handsome romantic leads and we’d be right up there on the list? Now they just say; “this character dies, – who looks as if they’re about to kick the bucket? “ And there we are again, – right at the top of the list! “.

“I certainly enjoyed my heart attack (in House of Hancock) immensely, Robert continued, “especially the bit where lovely Mandy McElhinney as Gina sobbed over me more than she could over any Khatutt”.

While Robert’s recent characters may have passed on, his career is still thriving. For the next year or so he will be taking the central dramatic role in entirely unique arena spectacular which is, for the moment, completey underwraps.

During his years racking up over 200 stage, film and telly credits, Robert has always been involved in voice work. “I relish the challenge in identifying with a product and putting across the intentions of the writer” he said.

From his first commercial in ’71 with Ridley Scott in the UK, to the latest, a couple of TVC’s for CUA the other day, Robert finds each opportunity hugely satisfying.

He now has a remote home studio set-up using the best of mics for anyone who wants to get a demo or even the final read that way.

A Place to Call Home - Behind the scenes