TALENT: Megan Shapcott
PRODUCTION: Cutting Edge
After an extended hiatus away from the stage, experienced Brisbane actor and voice talent, Megan Shapcott, has returned. And from the look of things, she’s been making up for lost time.
The in-demand actor is back in Brisbane after starring in a national production of Menopause the Musical at the Atheneum theatre in Melbourne. She played ithe role of the Earth Mother.
While treading the boards, Megan fiound time to voice a mass media campaign for Halmark Homes new Vogue Series. Produced at Cutting Edge – with the audio crafted by the Mike Lange, the series of commericals have be playing across cinema screens, television and radio.
Megan has also been keeping the microphones warm at Rosco Audio; voicing a “Big School Ready” educational campaign for the Queensland and Victorian Governments.
A veteran of over 22 years behind the microphone, Megan has won four Queensland Radio Goldie Awards for best female commercial voice over artist, and she also trains other actors to become commercially voice-ready by coaching from her home studio.
The busy mum of three also teaches voice, communication and drama at Ambrose Treacy College.