TALENT: Geoff Gordon
Elder abuse has become an unfortunate but increasingly common occurance in today’s society. So common in fact, the goverenment needed to stand up and speak out about it.
So when it was time to decide who should be the voice of this important campaign, it was an easy decision.
Geoff Gordon’s authoritative delivery was the ideal choice.
TALENT: Geoff Gordon
Geoff has been doing voices for more than 30 years, no wonder he looks tired!! He’s been the voice of Inner Health Plus for a number of years, not the little blue guy, but the main voice. The campaign has been so big, there are people on youtube trying to impersonate the tag line by sucking helium. Not sure if there should be a health warning about that! The client keeps asking him back because he delivers what they want. He’s off to be the voice for Rio Tinto this week, could this be high viz voice overs?
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